Friday, July 12 2024

5:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

6:30 PM / Paula Hriscu Concert

7:00 PM / Rock concert with a folk twist with Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu

8:00 PM / Traditional Romanian fiddle music with Simion Bogdan-Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers)

Saturday, July 13 2024

12:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

1:30 PM / Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Andrei Muraru, Ambassador of Romania to the U.S., Mr. Ionel Bogdan, President of Maramureș County Council, and Mr. Dorian Branea, Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York

2:00 PM / Music and dance with “Transylvania” Ensemble

2:30 PM / Spoken word performances with Bucharest Inside the Beltway

3:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

3:30 PM / Romanian traditional dances with “Carpathia” Folk Dance Ensemble

4:00 PM / Romanian Community moment dedicated to the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse, organized by Romanians of DC

4:30 PM / Romanian folk music with Andreea Rebăltescu

5:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

5:40 PM / Spoken word performances with Bucharest Inside the Beltway

6:00 PM / Traditional Romanian fiddle music with Simion Bogdan-Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers)

7:00 PM / Paula Hriscu Concert

7:30 PM / Rock concert with a folk twist with Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu

Sunday, July 14 2024

12:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

1:00 PM / Romanian traditional dances with “Carpathia” Folk Dance Ensemble

1:30 PM / Spoken word performances with Bucharest Inside the Beltway

2:30 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

3:30 PM / Romanian folk music with Andreea Rebăltescu

4:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble

4:30 PM / Paula Hriscu Concert

5:00 PM / Rock concert with a folk twist with Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu

6:00 PM / Traditional Romanian fiddle music with Simion Bogdan-Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers)


Friday, July 12, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Saturday, July 13 & Sunday, July 14, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Dancing at the Barn. Join the round dance! Dance workshops

The Potter’s House. Spin the potter’s wheel! Pottery demonstrations 

Our Story Carved in Wood. Wood carving demonstrations 

Folk Costumes. Does tradition fit you? Folk costumes exhibition and souvenirs

Maramureș Photo Booth. Let time freeze and say cheese! Photo opportunity 

Perennial Inspiration. Today’s designers celebrate the legacy of Romanian traditional textiles and crafts

Visit Maramureș! Gateway to Romanian traditions! Learn more about Romania & plan a visit

The Taste of Romania. Europe’s map in one bite! A selection of Romanian foods 

The Joy of Romanian Wines. Drinkable happiness! A selection of gorgeous wines to try and buy 

Romanian Literature in America. A showcase of recent books by Romanian and Romanian-American authors

The Drawing Hut. Children young and old explore Romania in pencil and color

Community Leadership. People and Organizations from Romanian-American communities