Friday, July 12 2024
5:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
6:30 PM / Paula Hriscu Concert
7:00 PM / Rock concert with a folk twist with Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu
8:00 PM / Traditional Romanian fiddle music with Simion Bogdan-Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers)
Saturday, July 13 2024
1:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
1:30 PM / Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Andrei Muraru, Ambassador of Romania to the U.S., Mr. Ionel Bogdan, President of Maramureș County Council, and Mr. Dorian Branea, Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York
2:00 PM / Music and dance with “Transylvania” Ensemble
2:30 PM / Spoken word performances with Bucharest Inside the Beltway
3:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
3:30 PM / Romanian traditional dances with “Carpathia” Folk Dance Ensemble
4:00 PM / Romanian Community moment dedicated to the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse, organized by Romanians of DC
4:30 PM / Romanian folk music with Andreea Rebăltescu
5:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
5:40 PM / Spoken word performances with Bucharest Inside the Beltway
6:00 PM / Traditional Romanian fiddle music with Simion Bogdan-Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers)
7:00 PM / Paula Hriscu Concert
7:30 PM / Rock concert with a folk twist with Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu
Sunday, July 14 2024
12:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
1:00 PM / Romanian traditional dances with “Carpathia” Folk Dance Ensemble
1:30 PM / Spoken word performances with Bucharest Inside the Beltway
2:30 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
3:15 PM / Romanian folk music with Andreea Rebăltescu
4:00 PM / Folk music and dances from Maramureș County with “Transylvania” Ensemble
4:30 PM / Paula Hriscu Concert
5:00 PM / Rock concert with a folk twist with Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu
6:00 PM / Traditional Romanian fiddle music with Simion Bogdan-Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers)
Friday, July 12, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, July 13 & Sunday, July 14, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Dancing at the Barn. Join the round dance! Dance workshops
The Potter’s House. Spin the potter’s wheel! Pottery demonstrations
Our Story Carved in Wood. Wood carving demonstrations
Folk Costumes. Does tradition fit you? Folk costumes exhibition and souvenirs
Maramureș Photo Booth. Let time freeze and say cheese! Photo opportunity
Perennial Inspiration. Today’s designers celebrate the legacy of Romanian traditional textiles and crafts
Visit Maramureș! Gateway to Romanian traditions! Learn more about Romania & plan a visit
The Taste of Romania. Europe’s map in one bite! A selection of Romanian foods
The Joy of Romanian Wines. Drinkable happiness! A selection of gorgeous wines to try and buy
Romanian Literature in America. A showcase of recent books by Romanian and Romanian-American authors
The Drawing Hut. Children young and old explore Romania in pencil and color
Community Leadership. People and Organizations from Romanian-American communities
Artists & Craftsmen
Simion Bogdan-Mihai and The Silken Fiddlers Headline the Romanian Festival
The whiz kid of Romanian traditional music, Simion Bogdan-Mihai, began to study the elusive “cobza” – a medieval Eastern European lute – when he was only 15 years old. Since then, he has collaborated with artists from various musical genres and has never seized to experiment with an age-old musical tradition, incorporating Ottoman, Jewish, Russian, Romani and Hungarian soundscapes, that was transmitted orally from generation to generation. In 2017, he formed a traditional fiddler band, Lăutarii de Mătase (The Silken Fiddlers), which soon has become one of the most sought-after and praised group of this kind in Romania. In 2021, […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 7, 2024
Awesome “Transylvania” Ensemble in a D.C. Encore
The National Folk Ensemble “Transylvania”, based in Baia Mare, Maramureş County, was founded in 1959 with the specific aim to treasure and promote the immemorial folk traditions of Northwestern Romania, preserved from generation to generation to this day. The ensemble fulfills its mission through performances that offer authentic and spectacular displays of the richness of Maramureș region arts, crafts, and traditions. At the same time, “Transylvania”’s recitals offer the occasion to parade superb folk costumes and beautiful hand-made jewelry, made by artisans who pride themselves of preserving age-old techniques. The ensemble has represented Romania to international fairs and exhibitions for decades […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 6, 2024
Vox Maris & Paula Hriscu Rock the Wharf
Vox Maris is a Chicago-based band formed 12 years ago by a group of Romanian-American musicians with fans all over the U.S. and beyond. Their debut single, entitled “Far from Home”, has become a sort of unofficial anthem of Romanians everywhere. Over the years, the group has collaborated with several musicians from the Romanian-American artistic community on various charity projects and cultural events. At “The Romanian Weekend at The Wharf” they will be fronted by Paula Hriscu, a folk performer known for her mesmerizing voice, her contagious vitality, and a distinctive sound that is proof of the lasting appeal of […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Recital: Mesmerizing Paula Hriscu and The Romanian Folk Dream
“My music is the breath of my soul” – this is Paula Hriscu’s motto, and this absolute commitment permeates all her music. Born in Brad, on the breathtakingly beautiful slopes of the Apuseni Mountains in Western Transylvania, Paula is one of Romania’s young stars of traditional folk music. Beautiful and charismatic, she is known for her uncompromising sense of authenticity and her original repertoire, based on serious research in remote Transylvanian villages. Paula came to music rather late in life, at 22, overcoming a serious health problem that changed her life. Her first album, released in February 2020 and entitled […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Our Story Carved in Wood. Wood carving demonstrations
The lands of Maramureș are blessed with secular forests and this extraordinary natural wealth has had a major influence on culture and craftsmanship. Come and meet wood craftsman Ioan Bârsan who proudly carries forward the work of his father, Toader. Our wood craftsman keeps alive the tradition of working in wood and creates monumental works as well as household and decorative objects.Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
The Potter’s House. Spin the potter’s wheel!
Potter Vasile Chira of Cărbunari village is a legendary name in traditions-rich Maramureș. His mentor, Liviu Sitar, first introduced him to pottery 20 years ago. Since then, this ancient craft has become a lifelong passion, and Vasile is now a master of the clay who keeps the tradition alive and thriving. He is always eager to share his vast knowledge with all those willing to give it a try. Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Let’s celebrate together the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse!
The beautiful blouse, one of the world’s best-known women attires, is so famous that has an international day named after it, celebrated every year on June 24. The date is also observed in Washington, D.C. as the Day of the Romanian Folk Costume. The splendid blouse is one of the stars of “The Romanian Weekend at The Wharf” as admirers (and wearers) of it from the U.S., Romania and the Republic of Moldova will gather on the festival’s stage on July 13 at 4:00 pm to read the Proclamation issued by the Mayor of Washington, D.C. in honor of the […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Andreea Rebăltescu: The Princess of Romanian American Pop Folk in concert
Born in the beautiful Bistrița Năsăud County, in Romania, at the bottom of the stunning Rodna Mountains, Andreea Rebăltescu pursued her dreams and emigrated to the USA in 2006 after graduating from the esteemed Gheorghe Dima Conservatory in Cluj. From the moment she arrived in the USA, she proudly represented Romania captivating audiences at various public and private events. Andreea is committed to showcasing the beauty of Romanian traditional folk songs and costumes from different regions of her beloved country. For Romanian Weekend at the Wharf, she collaborated with Salagean Robert, a music producer at Salagean Music in Romania, who […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Dance Along with “Carpathia” Folk Dance Ensemble
Founded in 2011, “Carpathia” Folk Dance Ensemble is a Washington, D.C.-based multi-ethnic folk-dance group that has become well-known for its authentic performances of Romanian traditional dances. The all-volunteer group performs dances from all regions of Romania and includes both performers of Romanian origin and people who, without having Romanian roots, are nevertheless fascinated with Romanian culture and tradition. During our event, you can watch “Carpathia” perform a variety of Romanian dances such as Alunelu’, Rustem, Geamparale, and more.Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Literature has brought Romanians and Americans together since the dawn of our transatlantic friendship. Discover a trove of recent books by Romanian-American authors and enjoy spoken word performances curated and co-managed by Bucharest Inside the Beltway (BiB, bibdenver.com).Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Via Transilvanica – „The road that unites”
Via Transilvanica is the first and longest long distance trail in Romania, dedicated to hiking, biking and horseback riding. It is the road that unites people in their diversity and authenticity. It’s the road that wishes to uncover Romania and represent its rich heritage across the Globe. It celebrates the ethnic, cultural, historical, natural and geographical diversity of the country, which is still a mystery for the world. Via Transilvanica has reached a final form, which can be described in numbers. It has 1.400 kilometers, crosses ten counties in Romania which were grouped in seven cultural regions, as it follows: […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 4, 2024
Perennial Inspiration. Today’s designers celebrate the legacy of Romanian traditional textiles and crafts
Folk motifs, shapes, colors and techniques have always been a major source of inspiration for the Romanian, and international, fashion designers. True to this tradition, up-and-coming Izabela Mandoiu creates contemporary clothing integrates ancient motifs in a most striking way. Her collection includes characteristic geometric and floral patterns, which are hand sewn or machine embroidered, as well as vintage Romanian blouses, which have been carefully restored with a fresh look, or new ones, made following time-honored techniques. The clothing items are accompanied by a special series of earrings, also of folkish inspiration, made by the brand una peste alta (one over […]Do you like it? Read moreJune 2, 2024
The Joy of Romanian Wines. Drinkable happiness! A selection of gorgeous wines to try and buy
With exquisite winemaking skills developed in centuries, an impressive variety of native grapes and growing conditions comparable to the best terroirs in France or the United States, Romania is a major winemaking country offering some of the best surprises a wine lover can dream of.Do you like it? Read moreJune 2, 2024
Community Leadership. People and Organizations from Romanian-American communities
The Romanian-American communities are as strong and vibrant as their organizations. The network of foundations and associations representing Americans of Romanian origin is dynamic and ever-expanding, with missions ranging from education, culture, social work and even international affairs. Since its inception, “The Romanian Weekend at the Wharf” has not only provided the context for cultural discoveries, but also an occasion to celebrate the leaders and organizations of the Romanian communities from all over the United States.Do you like it? Read more